wednesday, Jan. 17


Back Squat 1x5 at 70% 1RM

Back Squat 1x4 at 75% 1RM

Back Squat 1x3 at 80% 1RM

Back Squat 1x2 at 85% 1RM

Back Squat 1x1 at 90% 1RM

Athlete Instructions

Complete sets every 2:30 mins.

Midline Stabilization: Focus on bracing your core throughout the movement. This involves creating a tight, stable midsection to support your spine and ensure proper posture during the squat.

Global Tension and Breathing: Develop global tension in your body by engaging all your muscles. Before descending, take a deep, full breath, creating a 360-degree expansion around your midsection. This technique helps maintain intra-abdominal pressure, providing stability and power for each rep.

"Will & Grace"

27-21-15-9 reps, for time of:

Deadlift, 115/75 lbs

Front Squat, 115/75 lbs

Shoulder-to-Overhead, 115/75 lbs

Athlete Instructions

Goal Time Domain: 11:00-15:00 minutes

Time Cap: 18:00 minutes

Athlete Notes

Primary Objective: Big sets on all movements. We are looking to complete each set with less than 3 breaks per round.

Secondary Objective: Fastest overall time.

Stimulus: Barbell Conditioning / Muscular Stamina

RPE: 8/10


thursday, Jan. 18


Tuesday, Jan. 16