January 13 2021
Warm Up
10 Squats
10 Spiderman
10 Hollow Rocks
10 Arm Circles
Strength: This should go pretty quick. Make sure and keep the Form spot on
GYM Crew( Remember all of your weights as we will build on these weights)
3x5 Back Squat +5-10#s from last time
3x5 Strict Press +5#s from last time
5x5 Bent Over Row +5-10#s from last time
At Home Crew
15 Min OTM
1) 10 Jumping Squats (wear a back Pack if you are feeling saucy)
2) 10 Explosive Push Ups
3) 10 BackPack bent Over Row
Odd Numbers (21/15/9/3) CTB PullUps/Pull Ups/Ring Rows/
Even Numbers (18/12/6) Ring Dips/Box/Bench Dips