Jan. 7, 2022
10 Back Squats, 60% 1RM
Every 2:30 for 10 mins.
We are building squat volume here by working on a classic 4x10. This will definitely leave your legs feeling a bit fatigued tomorrow, but awesome for developing muscular stamina.
Main WOD:
Complete as many rounds as possible in 14 mins of:
7 Ring Muscle-ups
14 Thrusters, 95/65 lbs
21/17 Row Calories
Goal: 4 rounds +/- 10 reps
This workout is built to challenge both skill and stamina. We are looking for consistency on the muscle-ups, close to unbroken sets on the thrusters, and working on a smooth rowing pace. Blasting the rower to go 5 secs faster here will leave you fatigued and can mess up cadence on the ring muscle-ups, so it is best to just be smooth here so that you can move into the muscle-ups and thrusters well.
7 Pull-ups
7 Ring Dips
14 Thrusters, 75/55 lbs
21/17 Row Calories
7 Strict Pull-ups
7 Chair Dips
14 Dumbbell Thrusters, pick load
Run, 200 m
Limited Equipment/Bodyweight Variation:
AMRAP in 14 mins of:
7 Strict Pull-ups
14 Air Squats
7 Handstand Push-ups
Run, 200 m