December 4 2020
Warm Up:
10 Squats
10 Spiderman
10 arm Circles
10 Push Ups
Barbell Crew/Minimal Weight Crew
15 Muscle Ups or 30 CTB Pull Ups/Towel Rows (wrap around pole or shut into door)
75 WallBalls
3 Minute Rest
75 WallBalls
15 Muscle Ups or 30 CTB Pull Ups/Towel Rows (wrap around pole or shut into door)
Body Weight Crew
15 Muscle Ups or 30 CTB Pull Ups/Towel Rows (wrap around pole or shut into door)
75 Air Squats (if you want to put a back pack on feel free to add some weight to your squats)
3 Minute Rest
75 Air Squats
15 Muscle Ups or 30 CTB Pull Ups/Towel Rows (wrap around pole or shut into door)