wednesday, dec. 13

Weightlifting A:

1x [ 1 Muscle Snatch + 2 Hang Power Snatches ]

1x [ 1 Muscle Snatch + 2 Hang Power Snatches ]

1x [ 1 Muscle Snatch + 1 Hang Power Snatch ]

1x [ 1 Muscle Snatch + 1 Hang Power Snatch ]

1x [ 1 Muscle Snatch + 1 Hang Power Snatch ]

Athlete Instructions

Complete sets every 1:30 mins.

Directly into Weightlifting B...

Athlete Notes

Starting @ where you left off on the set above and increasing to heavy for the day

For the Muscle Snatch + Hang Power Snatch portion we are starting @ 80% of your 1rm Muscle Snatch and increasing the load each set. Aiming to finish on a successful max for the day of 1 Muscle Snatch & 1 Hang Power Snatch If you do not have a 1rm Muscle Snatch, please base the percentages off 85% of your 1rm Power Snatch. Which means you will calculate 85% of your 1rm Power Snatch and then calculate 80% of that 85% load. Remember, the first number is for the Muscle Snatch and the second number is for the Hang Power Snatch.

Weightlifting B:

3 Hang Squat Snatches, pick load

Every 1:30 for 7:30.

Athlete Instructions

We are focusing on explosiveness and speed under the barbell. Ensure that you are receiving the bar with a strong overhead position by pressing up on the bar and flexing our core as we press up on the barbell.

"Hot Water"

Tabata Bike Calorie:

The Tabata interval is 1:30 of work followed by 3 mins of rest for 4 intervals.

Tabata score is the total reps performed in all of the intervals.

Athlete Instructions

Goal: 35/25+ Echo Bike Calories / Set

Primary Objective: Maximum total calories accumulated

Secondary Objective: Consistency across within 3 +/- Calories

RPE: 9.5/10

Stimulus: Lactic Endurance / Anaerobic Power


thursday, dec. 14


tuesday, dec. 12