wednesday, april 3


Thruster 1x5 at 75% 1RM

Thruster 1x1 at 85% 1RM

Thruster 1x5 at 75% 1RM

Thruster 1x1 at 90% 1RM

Thruster 1x5 at 75% 1RM

Thruster 1x1 at 95% 1RM

Athlete Instructions

From the rack.

Complete sets every 2 mins.

"High Voltage"

Every 2 mins for 16 mins do:

10 Handstand Push-ups

Dumbbell Front Rack Walking Lunge, 50/35 lbs, 50 ft

10 Pull-ups

Athlete Instructions

Goal: Sub 1:30 / Set

Primary Objective: Complete each set within the time frame

Secondary Objective: Maintain consistent paces +/- 5 sec per set

Stimulus: Muscular Endurance / Threshold Intensity (87-90%)

RPE: 8/10


Thursday, april 4


tuesday, april 2