tuesday, sept. 12

Gymnastics Strength:

Each option today allows for different levels within the progression. Option A is built out of our specific test we hit in week 1 of this cycle. Option B allows for a little more specific work for competitors to develop extra dynamic pressing strength with the deep deficit kipping handstand push-up and Option C would be where we work out athletes today that are limited in the Strict Handstand Push-up. Pick an Option and work through the sets with intent and quality positions. Each one of these progressions is built onto a 15:00 minute running clock.

Gymnastics Strength - Option A

Every 1:30 for 15 mins do:

1 set of Strict Handstand Push-ups

Athlete Instructions

35-40% of Max Unbroken

Gymnastics Strength - Option B

Every 2:30 for 15 mins do:

8 Kipping Deficit Handstand Push-ups

10 Dumbbell Strict Press, pick load

Athlete Instructions

6-8 Kipping Deficit Handstand Push-ups- deep deficit

Gymnastics Strength - Option C

Every 2:30 for 15 mins do:

8 Box Pike Handstand Push-ups

10 Dumbbell Push Press, pick load

Athlete Instructions

6-8 Box Pike Handstand Push-ups- kneeling or feet piked

"Concrete Schoolyard"

Complete as many rounds as possible in 10 mins of:

30 Double Unders

2 Dumbbell Box Step Overs, 50/35 lbs, 24/20 in

2 Wall Walks

30 Double Unders

4 Dumbbell Box Step Overs, 50/35 lbs, 24/20 in

4 Wall Walks

30 Double Unders

6 Dumbbell Box Step Overs, 50/35 lbs, 24/20 in

6 Wall Walks ... Continue adding reps in this scheme each round until time expires.

Athlete Instructions

Dumbbell Box Step Overs- dual dumbbell

This workout is intended to be Heavy and Time Under tension focused. Challenge yourself with the loading of the Step-Overs today. Ideally you should be able to complete at minimum, the single digits unbroken. The Wall Walks will end up taking the most amount of time as you progress through this workout so once you reach the bigger numbers look to do small sets of reps. For example, when you get into the set of 10, complete 4 reps fast then rest, then another 3 reps fast then rest, then the final 3 reps. Breaking the larger numbers up into smaller sets can help you to keep moving

Athlete Notes

Primary Objective: Complete the Set of 10 and 10

Secondary Objective: Keep the Double Unders Unbroken

RPE: 7/10

Stimulus: Leg & Shoulder Stamina


wednesday, sept. 13


Monday, sept. 11