Monday, sept. 11

9/11 Memorial Workout:

For time:

Row, 2001 m

-- then --

9 rounds of:

11 Toes-to-bars

11 Power Cleans, 110/70 lbs

11 Wall Balls, 20/14 lbs, 10/9 ft

Athlete Instructions

Time Cap: 35:00 Male/36:00

Female Goal: 25:00-30:00

Athlete Notes

Primary Objective: Challenging yourself

Secondary Objective: Overall Time

Stimulus: Muscular Endurance / Chipper

RPE: 8/10

Today, we honor the many lives lost in the 9/11 Terrorist Attacks. We created this workout to show our respect to them and to ensure we never forget the tragedy that was that day. For some insight on the components of the workout and what each aspect represents. The 2001m Row Buy-In represents the year. 9 rounds represents the Month, 11 reps represents the day and the 110 lb Barbell represents the number of floors on each tower.


tuesday, sept. 12


friday, sept.8