tuesday, june 27


Deadlift 9x1 at 85% 1RM

Strict Press 9x1 at 85% 1RM

Athlete Instructions

Complete as 3 rounds of:

Every 30 secs for 1:30 (3 sets) do: 1 Deadlift, 85% 1RM

-- then --

Every 30 secs for 1:30 (3 sets) do:

1 Strict Press, 85% 1RM

Rest 1:30 between each round.


This is performed on a 12 min running clock in order to complete the sets. The way this will work is that we hit 1 rep of either the strict press or the deadlift on the top of the 30 second mark, wait until the next 30 seconds before hitting another rep. We will do this for 3 reps of 1 strength movement then move directly to the other movement to perform the same 3 rep sequence. This is done in succession of deadlifts then for strict press, before resting for 90 secs then coming back around to the top. Focus on bracing positions, breaking tension of the floor in the deadlift, and engaging the lats and posterior delts in the set-up of strict press.


Complete as many rounds as possible in 10 mins of:

25 American Kettlebell Swings, 53/35 lbs

25 Handstand Push-ups

25 American Kettlebell Swings, 53/35 lbs

25 Ring Dips

25 American Kettlebell Swings, 53/35 lbs

25 Push-ups


The focus today is to get in a little shoulder interference in a workout that is built off the classic CrossFit workout J.T. The combo of handstand push-ups + ring dips + push-ups packs a big punch and combining that with American kettlebell swings will add just a little more forearm pump to the mix.

Goal: Get to the 2nd round of handstand push-ups.

Primary Objective: Complete 1+ rounds.

Secondary Objective: Unbroken American kettlebell swings.

Stimulus: Muscular Endurance / Interference / Shoulder Pump

RPE: 8/10


wednesday, june 28


monday, june 26