monday, june 26
Log your best Front Squat 10 rep max lift.
Only log the heaviest 10 rep, do not include sets prior to it.
Athlete Instructions
Establish a 10RM in 15 mins.
Today, we are working up to a mid-cycle 10RM. The goal here is to hit somewhere around 75% of our 1RM front squat for 10. Keep the elbows pressing up against the bar, hips moving back and down into the front squat, then really work to press hard up against the bar and flex your core as you stand the weight back up on each rep.
For time:
60 Toes-to-bars
Every 2 mins (starting at 0:00) complete:
6 Front Squats, 185/125 lbs
Athlete Instructions
Front Squats- to be completed from the floor
Goal: 5-7 mins Time cap: 8 mins
We are utilizing this workout as a midline conditioning piece with the added front squat sets as a type of drop set variation to the 10RM. We are looking for this workout to be completed in the 5-7 min range, which means we are only adding on about 3-4 sets of front squats at that moderate/heavy load. Expect the toes-to-bar to slow down at around 30 reps, so take that into account when deciding what type of sets and reps you are hitting here.
Primary Objective: Complete within 5-7 mins.
Secondary Objective: Start out with a big unbroken set of toes-to-bars (15+ reps).
Stimulus: Stamina / Gymnastics Capacity
RPE: 7/10