Tuesday, june 20
FT: Kipping Pull-ups and Dumbbell Bench Press
For time: In 2:30 do:
20 Kipping Pull-ups
max reps in remaining time Dumbbell Bench Press, 50/35 lbs ...
Rest 2:30 and repeat until you reach 100 Dumbbell Bench Press reps.
Athlete Instructions
20 Kipping Pull-ups or 15 Strict Pull-ups
Dumbbell Bench Press- dual dumbbell
Round cap: 5
Goal: Complete in 4-5 rounds
We want to focus on the kipping pull-up today or strict pull-ups today and not chase down the faster powerful movement of the butterfly pull-up as that has a tendency to create a little greater wear and tear on the shoulder joint. For those that have the capacity and have built up a strong foundation of kipping pull-ups, let's work into 20 reps here today.
Primary Objective: Dumbbell Bench Press (15+ reps per round)
Secondary Objective: Pull-ups in 3 sets or less
Stimulus: Muscular Endurance / Pump Session
RPE: 7/10