Strength A:
3 Push Press, 70% 1RM

Every 1 min for 5 mins.

Athlete Instructions

Rest 2 mins before Strength B...

Strength B:

3 Front Squats, 70% 1RM

Every 1 min for 5 mins.


As many reps as possible in 9 mins of:

6 Thrusters, 95/65 lbs

9 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups

12/9 Row Calories

9 Thrusters, 95/65 lbs

9 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups

12/9 Row Calories

12 Thrusters, 95/65 lbs

9 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups

12/9 Row Calories ... Continue adding 3 Thruster reps each round until time expires.

Athlete Instructions

Primary Objective: Get into the round of 18 Thrusters.

The focus is to find a weight that we can move unbroken through the round of 12 with.

Secondary Objective: Complete each round on the rower in under 45 seconds. Too many athletes will get consumed by trying to maintain big sets on the chest to bar, but work with the style we have lately and just work to jump up quicker even if that means smaller sets.

Stimulus: Open Primer / Glycolytic

RPE: 8/10


wednesday, feb. 21


Monday, feb. 19