tuesday, aug. 15
1x [ 1 Hang Snatch + 1 Low Hang Snatch + 1 Snatch ], pick load
Every 1:30 for 9 mins.
Athlete Instructions
Set 1: 60%
Set 2: 60%
Set 3: 65%
Set 4: 65%
Set 5: 70%
Set 6: 70%
We are looking to hit a 3-position snatch on the 1:30 mark for 6 sets with the goal of accomplishing this with no misses and having each set feeling clean and efficient. The first position will be from mid-thigh, somewhere between a classic high hang and hang position, then we will move to below the knee for our second lift and finally to the floor. The last lift from the floor does not have to be touch-and-go, but can be if the athlete chooses. Be patient and focus to stay over the bar, accelerate through the hips, and keep the bar close as we pull into a full squat snatch.
"The Hurricane"
For time:
21/15 Echo Bike Calories
21 Power Snatches, 75/55 lbs
15/11 Echo Bike Calories
15 Power Snatches, 75/55 lbs
9/7 Echo Bike Calories
9 Power Snatches, 75/55 lbs
15 Power Snatches, 75/55 lbs
15/11 Echo Bike Calories
21 Power Snatches, 75/55 lbs
21/15 Echo Bike Calories
Athlete Instructions
Time cap: 15 mins
Goal time domain: 11-15 mins
The real challenge of this workout begins after the set of 9, so make sure to conserve your energy for the second half. The snatches are light enough for you to aim for completing each set in less than 2 breaks. With this load, a hybrid version of a muscle snatch and power snatch is often utilized, possibly try this in your warm up. Focus on pacing yourself and strategizing for a strong finish to achieve your best performance in this workout.
Primary Objective: Complete within the time cap
Secondary Objective: Complete each set of snatches in less than 2 breaks
Aerobic Power / V02 Max / Barbell Cycling RPE 9/10