Thursday, Aug. 17
Strength + Gymnastics A - 0:00-2:00
A single set of Strict Handstand Push-ups for max reps.
Athlete Instructions
Create a solid stable tripod with an active shoulder, then move into extension through a strong press and firm lockout at the elbow and flexing the core. We want to have some tools in our tool box for the handstand push-up. The Box Pike Handstand Push-up is definitely our favorite option, but only if the athlete can do it correctly and maintain the proper pressing form. Dual DB Strict Press is never a bad option and helps those that feel like going inverted will be an issue.
Strength + Gymnastics B:
Every 1 min for 10 mins, alternating between:
5 Deadlifts, pick load
Strict Handstand Push-ups
Athlete Instructions
Deadlifts- 65+% 1RM
Strict Handstand Push-ups- 1 set at 30% of max rep
We are working up to a heavy 5 rep for the day on Deadlifts. Always with the goal of having quality positions as the priority over the load. Focus on hips and shoulders rising together until the knee then hinging the barbell to the hips.
"Training Day"
In 4 mins do:
20/16 Row Calories then in the remaining time, AMRAP of:
3-6-9-12-15...Deadlifts, 225/155 lbs
*Rest 2 mins between each cycle*
For each cycle restart the AMRAP.
Athlete Instructions
Goal: Get into the round of 15 each cycle
Log your total reps completed for each AMRAP cycle.
Primary Objective: Complete the round of 12 and 12 each set
Secondary Objective: Complete the row in sub 1 min on every set
Stimulus: Muscular Endurance / Stamina Push / Pull
RPE: 8/10