thursday, april 11

Weightlifting Test Day A:

1 Power Snatch, pick load

Every 1 min for 10 mins.

Athlete Instructions

Start at 70% 1RM

Weightlifting Test Day B:

1 Power Clean, pick load

Every 1 min for 10 mins.

Athlete Instructions

Start at 70% 1RM.

Gymnastics Skill / Re-Test

10 rounds for time of:

7 Unbroken Chest-to-bar Pull-ups

Athlete Instructions

Score: Time Cap: 10:00 minutes

For this test today, you MUST rest after each round of 7 Chest To Bar Pull-Ups. Your goal is to accumulate the 70 reps as quickly as you can but they must be completed in sets of 7 reps.

Athlete Notes

Re-test from Jan 10th

Primary Objective: Improve your score from Week 1 of the cycle.

Secondary Objective: Finish the 10 sets unbroken in under 8:00 minutes

Stimulus: Gymnastics Skill / Stamina

RPE: 6/10


thursday, april 12


wednedsay, april 10