Monday, july 3


4 Back Squats, 80% 1RM

Every 3 mins for 15 mins.

Athlete Instructions

This may help, think more about driving through your heels. As you ascend from the squat, push through your heels while maintaining balance. This helps engage your glutes and hamstrings, promoting proper biomechanics and generating power.


For 3 cycles: In 4 mins do:

Echo Bike, 1/0.8 km then in the remaining time, AMRAP of:

6 Burpee Bar Touches

9 Toes-to-bars

12 Wall Balls, 20/14 lbs

Rest 2 mins between each cycle.

For each cycle restart the AMRAP.

Athlete Instructions

Log your total reps completed for each AMRAP cycle.


Focus today is aerobic capacity and muscular endurance, specifically targeting midline conditioning.

Primary Objective: Complete 2+ rounds of the triplet within each set.

Secondary Objective: Complete the Echo Bike in 1:45 or less.

Stimulus V02 Max / Muscular Endurance / Midline

RPE: 7/10


tuesday, july 4


friday, june 30