May 4, 2022
Wednesday, May 4:
Plyometric Work:
Depth Jump + Broad Jumps : 6x3, rest 1 min
Depth Jump + Broad Jumps 6x3
Rest 1 min between sets.
Here is a fun little progression on some of the plyos we have been doing. We are working to land with a quality position, then explode into a long broad jump, walk back around and hit another rep until 3 reps total. Then rest about 1 min and do this again for 6 sets.
Power Snatch 5-5-4-4-3-3-3
Use the heaviest weight you can for each set.
Complete sets every 2 mins for 14 mins.
Set 1-2: 5 reps @ 67% 1RM
Set 3-4: 4 reps @ 73% 1RM
Set 5-7: 3 reps @ 78+% 1RM
Not touch-and-go sets.
We are continuing to work our way up with this progression. The last 3 sets of 3 reps here is the focus today with the goal of ending at around 85% of your 1RM (that is what the 78+% 1RM means). First set of 3 at around 78% 1RM, second at 82-83% 1RM and final at around 85% 1RM.
"Phil & Stu"
FT: Power Snatches and Bar Facing Burpees
For time:
0:00-3:00: 30 Power Snatches, 75/55 lbs
3:00-6:00: 20 Bar Facing Burpees
6:00-9:00: 20 Power Snatches, 95/65 lbs
9:00-12:00: 30 Bar Facing Burpees
Log your total working time of all 4 parts combined and include your splits for each in your notes. Goal today is sprint speed and trying to get through each part as fast as possible- think how much it hurts later on. We should be able to hit the 30 power snatches in about 1 min-1:30, then move to the 20 bar facing burpees with the same goal of 1 min-1:30. Then we progress to a little heavier loads, but decrease the reps. Goal here is to stay under 1:30 for this. The last set of burpees is the longest of the day. The goal here is to finish this in 1:30-2:00. During the recovery time, work to bring your heart rate down through nasal breathing and composed deep breaths as needed.
Level 2:
FT: Hang Power Snatches and Bar Facing Burpees
For time:
0:00-3:00: 30 Hang Power Snatches, 75/55 lbs
3:00-6:00: 15 Bar Facing Burpees
6:00-9:00: 20 Hang Power Snatches, 75/55 lbs
9:00-12:00: 20 Bar Facing Burpees
Level 1:
FT: American Kettlebell Swings and Burpees
For time:
0:00-3:00: 30 American Kettlebell Swings, 35/18 lbs
3:00-6:00: 15 Burpees
6:00-9:00: 30 American Kettlebell Swings, 35/18 lbs
9:00-12:00: 20 Burpees