January 6 2021
Warm Up:
10 Spiderman
10 Push Ups
10 Hollow Rocks
Strength: This should go pretty quick. Make sure and keep the Form spot on
Barbell Crew ( Remember all of your weights this week as we will build on these weights) (Start around 70%)
Front Squat 3x5
Floor Press 3x5
Bent Over Row 5x5
Minimal Weight/BackPack Crew
15 Min OTM
1 - 10 Weighted Step ups (hold weight however is best. Backpack crew wear the backpack)
2- 5 Floor Press (If single arm, 5 each arm)
3- 10 Bent Over Row
Bodyweight Crew
15 Min OTM
1 - 10 Jumping Lunges
2- 10 pause (2 sec) push ups
3- 5 to 10 BackPack Bent Over Row
Pistols/narrow stance Squat
Toes to Bar/Vups