Friday, Aug 12
Weightlifting Cycle Retest
Clean & Jerk : 3-2-1-3-2-1-3-2-1
Clean & Jerk 3-2-1-3-2-1-3-2-1
Rest as needed between sets.
Complete sets every 2 mins for 18 mins as- 3 rounds of:
3 reps at 75% 1RM
2 reps at 82% 1RM
1 rep at 90% 1RM
Increase weight on the single each round.
We are working on wave loads today and building up from 90% 1RM to a new 1RM. If you have already hit some new PRs or have been feeling really good in our weightlifting pieces you can begin to increase load percentages after the first round on all sets. For newer athletes let's work from the hang position and hit a hang power clean + push jerk or split jerk. We can stay lighter and go to more reps to work on practicing the movement.
“Bend & Snap”
21-18-15-12-9-6-3: Deadlifts and Box Jumps
21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps, for time of:
Deadlift, 155/105 lbs
Box Jump, 24/20 in
Time domain: 7-11 mins
Time cap: 15 mins
This is a trap. The round of 21 and 18 will feel easy and light as we move through the reps and then the rounds of 15 and 12 hit. This is where things will really slow down if you don't pace correctly. Stay steady, keep breathing, and focus on bracing throughout the deadlift. Remember to make that first jump count as your legs may be a bit shaky coming up to the box.
Level 2: 115/80
Level 1: 95/65, Box Step Ups