Feb. 11, 2022
Deadlift 1x3 at 85% 1RM
Deadlift 1x2 at 90% 1RM Deadlift
1x2 at 90% 1RM Deadlift
1x1 at 95% 1RM Deadlift
1x1 at 95% 1RM
*Rest 3 mins between sets*
Take 20 mins to complete all sets. Goal here is to really get heavy today with the deadlift. If you are feeling it, let it ride to a new PR today and see where you are at.
“CrossFit Games Open 18.4 / 20.3 - Rx'd”
For time:
21-15-9 reps of:
Deadlift, 225/155 lbs
Handstand Push-up
-- then --
21 Deadlifts, 315/205 lbs
Handstand Walk, 50 ft
15 Deadlifts, 315/205 lbs
Handstand Walk, 50 ft
9 Deadlifts, 315/205 lbs
Handstand Walk, 50 ft
**Time cap: 9 mins**
If you do NOT finish this workout, be sure to select ONLY the "Time Capped" option. Enter the number of reps you completed out of 165. Add your tie break time to your notes.
This is a classic retest of an Open WOD. We like it because deadlifts and handstand push-ups come up often, not to mention handstand walking under fatigue. Goal for most athletes is to try to really hit the Diane section well and then see what they have left going into the heavy barbell.
Part 1: 60% 1RM, Box HSPU
Part.2: 70% 1RM, 5 Wall Walks
Part 1: 60% 1RM, pushups
Part 2: 70%, 3 Wall Walks