december 7 2020
Warm Up:
10 Squats
10 Spiderman
10 Arm Circles
Barbell Crew
30 Back Squats @ BW & 30 Push Ups
20 Front Squats @75% BW & 20 Ring Dips (or any dip)
10 Overhead Squats @50% BW & Hand Stand Push Ups (or some time of strict Press)
3 Min Rest
10 Overhead Squats @50% BW & Hand Stand Push Ups (or some time of strict Press)
20 Front Squats @75% BW & 20 Ring Dips (or any dip)
30 Back Squats @ BW & 30 Push Ups
**for the squats - Get as close to the weight as you can. your BS should be heavier than FS and FS heavier than OHS.
Minimal Weight Crew:
30 Back Squats & 30 Push Ups (Put the weight on the back of your shoulders
20 Goblet Squats & 20 Ring Dips (or any dip)
10 OH Squat & Hand Stand Push Ups (or some time of strict Press)
3 Minute Rest
10 OH Squat & Hand Stand Push Ups (or some time of strict Press)
20 Goblet Squats & 20 Ring Dips (or any dip)
30 Back Squats & 30 Push Ups (Put the weight on the back of your shoulders
** If you have the ability to do different weights have at it. For the OHS hold it over head if you can.
Body Weight Crew:
30 Back Squats & 30 Push Ups (Put something in a backpack and squat with it)
20 Goblet Squats & 20 Ring Dips (or any dip) (hold back Pack on your chest with less weight)
10 OH Squat & Hand Stand Push Ups (or some time of strict Press) (hold Backpack Above your head even with no weight its all good)
3 Minute Rest
10 OH Squat & Hand Stand Push Ups (or some time of strict Press) (hold Backpack Above your head even with no weight its all good)
20 Goblet Squats & 20 Ring Dips (or any dip) (hold back Pack on your chest with less weight)
30 Back Squats & 30 Push Ups (Put something in a backpack and squat with it)