December 24 2020

Warm Up:


10 Squats

10 Rev V ups

10 Arm Circles


12 Days of Christmas WOD!!!

Do it like the song.


Every Round should end with 1 clean and jerk.

Barbell Crew

1 Clean and Jerk (L1-135/95, L2- 185/125, L3 - 225/155)

2 Muscle Ups (Dips)

3 Box Jumps (Tuck Jumps)

4 Hang Squat Snatches (L1 - 75/55, L2-95/65, L3-115/75)

5 BF Burpees

6 Push Presses (L1 - 75/55, L2-95/65, L3-115/75)

7 Pistols (Lunges)

8 Toes to Bar (Vups)

9 WallBalls 20/14 (Jumping Squats)

10 CTB Pull Ups (Pull Ups/Bent Over Rows/Towel Rows)

11 HSPUs (Push UPs)

12 Front Squats (L1-135/95, L2- 185/125, L3 - 225/155) Crew

Minimal Weight/BackPack Crew

1 DB/KB/MB/BackPack Clean and Jerk

2 Muscle Ups (Dips)

3 Box Jumps (Tuck Jumps)

4 DB/KB/MB/BackPack Hang Squat Snatches

5 Burpees

6 DB/KB/MB/BackPack Push Presses

7 Pistols (Lunges)

8 Toes to Bar (Vups)

9 WallBalls 20/14 (DB/KB/BackPack thrusters)

10 CTB Pull Ups (Pull Ups/Bent Over Rows/Towel Rows)

11 HSPUs (Push UPs)

12 Goblet Squats

Minimal Weight

1 10 Yard Bear Crawl

2 Muscle Ups (Dips)

3 Box Jumps (Tuck Jumps)

4 Superman

5 Burpees

6 Mtn CLimbers

7 Pistols (Lunges)

8 Toes to Bar (Vups)

9 Squat Jumps

10 CTB Pull Ups (Pull Ups/Bent Over Rows/Towel Rows)

11 HSPUs (Push UPs)

12 Jumping Jacks


December 25 2020


December 23 2020