December 22 2020

Warm Up:


10 Rev V up

10 Push Ups

10 Arm Circles


Death BY

Barbell Crew

My best suggestion is to start the clock and do the first STO at 1 minute. That way you never get lost on what number you are on

Odd Minutes you will do the same amount of STO

**0-1=1,3=3, 5=5, 7=7, ETC

Even Minutes you will do the same amount of Burpees

2=2, 4=4, 6=6, 8=8, ETC

Minimal Weight Crew

Odd Minutes you will do Single or Double DB/KB or MB Shoulder to OverHead

**0-1=1,3=3, 5=5, 7=7, ETC

Even Minutes you will do the same amount of Burpees

2=2, 4=4, 6=6, 8=8, ETC

Body Weight Crew

Odd Minutes you will do the same amount Push Ups/HSPU/Back Pack Press

**0-1=1,3=3, 5=5, 7=7, ETC

Even Minutes you will do the same amount of Burpees

2=2, 4=4, 6=6, 8=8, ETC


December 23 2020


December 21 2020