December 20 2020
Warm Up:
10 Superman
10 Push Ups
10 Hollow Rocks
15 Min AMRAP
Barbell Crew
Hang Clean
Ring Dips/Bench or Box Dips
L1 - 115/75, L2 155/105, L3 - 185/125
Remaining Time of 15 Minutes = Max Burpees
Minimal Weight Crew
DB/KB/MB Hang Clean Use one or two DBs/KBs
Ring Dips/Bench or box Dips
**If you are using two, go a little lighter. If you are using one. Split the reps each round.
Remaining Time of 15 Minutes = Max Burpees
Body Weight Crew
Ring Dips/Bench or Box dips
Remaining Time of 15 Minutes = Max Burpees