Dec. 21 2021

Bench Press 1x10 at 65% 1RM

Bench Press 1x8 at 70% 1RM

Bench Press 1x6 at 75% 1RM

Bench Press 1x4 at 80% 1RM

Bench Press 1x2 at 90% 1RM

Rest as needed between sets.

Complete sets every 2:30 for 12:30.

We are working on a strength ladder, progressing in weight as we decrease the reps. Goal here is to end around 90% 1RM for a strong double today. Your spotter should be looking for speed and quality of movement to help you dictate weight jumps on the way up.

Level 1:

100 Single Unders

50 AbMat Sit-ups

80 Single Unders

40 AbMat Sit-ups

60 Single Unders

30 AbMat Sit-ups

40 Single Unders

20 AbMat Sit-ups

20 Single Unders

10 AbMat Sit-ups

50-40-30-20-10 reps, for time of:

Double Under


Time domain: 4:00-7:00

Time cap: 10:00

Level 2: Prescribed

We are testing an oldie but goodie. This is all about consistency on the jump rope as well as cycle rate of the AbMat sit-up. Work on staying calm and composed throughout with a good upright torso and tall hollow position during the jump rope.


Dec 22 2021


Dec 20 2021