Wednesday, March 22
"The Gulch"
3 RFT: 1 mi, Double Unders, and Rows
3 rounds for time of:
Run, 1 mi
100 Double Unders
Row, 1000 m
Athlete Instructions
Time domain: 35-40 mins
Time cap: 42 mins
Triple 3 re-imagined, done in reverse order with the goal of completing under a challenging time cap. One reason we are doing this in reverse order and partitioned is to allow the time frame to be easily managed and those that will be capped to end on the dubs or row and not out on the run at the end of the class.
Primary Objective: Finish under the time cap.
Secondary Objective: Hold the same splits from round 1 to round 3 across. Looking to stay at around 10 km pace for the row and the run and maintain 3 sets or less on the double unders.
Stimulus: Lactate threshold RPE 9/10
L2: 50 Double Unders
L1: 3 rounds for time of:
Run, 1000 m
100 Single Unders
Row, 1000 m