tuesday, sept. 5
Gymnastics Strength:
8 rounds for reps of:
1 set at 35% of max Strict Pull-ups
Athlete Instructions
Time cap: 12 mins
Rest as minimally to complete the sets unbroken.
"On Loop"
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 mins of:
100 Double Unders
Row, 500/425 m
10 L/10 R Kettlebell Hang Snatches, 53/35 lbs
Handstand Walk, 50 ft
Today we would love for you to accumulate 4-5 rounds of the above chipper. This workout today is going to challenge you mentally and physically to ensure you keep moving the entire time.
Athlete Notes
Primary Objective: Total Rounds & Reps
Secondary Objective: Mental Strength and Pacing
RPE: 8/10 Stimulus: Chipper / Pacing / Upper Push + Pull
After the workout on your own: (If you did not complete on Sunday, Sept. 4):
Back Squat 3-3-5-5-20
Athlete Instructions
Complete as- Every 2 mins, 5 sets:
2x3 at 100% 5RM
2x5 at 90% 5RM
1x20 at 65% 5RM
Athlete Notes
Percentage is based on the 5RM you achieved when you tested it during the PRVN Total. The sets here are a little different than typical with the goal of building to our weight for the 5RM from week 1 of the cycle, hitting 2x3 at that weight and then creating a drop set off that percentage into our 20RM Back Squat progression.