Tuesday, nov. 14
Weightlifting A
1x [ 1 Pause Low Hang Snatch + 1 Snatch ]
Every 2 mins for 10 mins.
Athlete Instructions
Set 1: 65% 1RM Snatch
Set 2: 70% 1RM Snatch
Set 3: 75% 1RM Snatch
Set 4: 80% 1RM Snatch
Set 5: 80%+ 1RM Snatch
Touch and go.
Athlete Notes
Remember, you will complete 1 Pause Below the Knee Snatch, aiming for a slight pause just below the knee cap before you execute the lift and then 1 Squat Snatch to follow. All reps are Squat Snatches Directly into Weightlifting B...
Weightlifting B:
1x [ 1 Snatch Pull + 3 Floating Snatch Pulls ]
Every 2 mins for 6 mins.
Athlete Instructions
85% 1RM Snatch on all sets.
"The Deep End"
Each for distance: Row, 5x 1 min
Rest 2 mins between efforts.
Athlete Instructions
Go for it!
Athlete Notes
This workout is supposed to be a sprint effort workout with the only focus being all out efforts for 1:00 on the rower. The goal today is to find another gear on the rower with the goal of increasing power output. The real focus today should be on the ability to create a strong position from the catch all the way through the finish. This means leg drive, then moving with the body hinge, and finally finishing through the chest.
Primary Objective: Complete 300/270 + Meters on the Rower Each Set
Secondary Objective: Hold roughly the same amount of meters each set for all 5 sets. This takes some pacing understanding and knowledge about yourself
Stimulus: Anaerobic / Sprint / Machine Conditioning
RPE: 9/10