Tuesday, jan. 24
2x RFT, every 15 mins: Row Calories, Hang Power Cleans, Bar Muscle-ups, and Bar Facing Burpees
2 rounds, each round for time, of:
40/32 Row Calories
30 Hang Power Cleans, 135/95 lbs
20 Bar Muscle-ups
30 Bar Facing Burpees
40/32 Row Calories
Go every 15 mins.
Athlete Instructions
This workout will challenge capacity, grip, endurance, and overall muscular stamina as we are hitting 2 challenging rounds here. The goal with this workout is to learn how to pace knowing that you have a second round to go through. The idea is to finish at 10-13 mins, have 2-5 mins to rest, and then come back around and hit the exact same pace for round 2 as round 1. If you are strategic and can go even faster on round 2, that is the ideal for the day in order to get best total time across 2 rounds.
L2: 2 rounds, each round for time, of:
30/24 Row Calories
30 Hang Power Cleans, 95/65 lbs
40 Pull-ups
30 Bar Facing Burpees
30/24 Row Calories
L1: 2 rounds, each round for time, of:
20/16 Row Calories
30 Hang Power Cleans, 75/55 lbs
40 Jumping Pull-ups
30 Bar Facing Burpees
20/16 Row Calories