Thursday, march 9
Log your best Deadlift 3 rep max lift.
Only log the heaviest 3 rep, do not include sets prior to it.
Athlete Instructions
Take 15 mins to establish a 3RM.
Please do not keep trying if you're unable to get it after one attempt. Focus on pressing the ground away and having the hips and torso rise at the same rate. The goal here is to establish a high quality technical heavy 3 for the deadlift. We do not believe in just going for a grinding 3 rep max with form faltering. We should always try to work to a technical heavy rather than just pushing for what we can get off the floor
Alt EMOM 12 mins: Deadlifts, Box Jumps, and Strict Handstand Push-ups
Every 1 min for 12 mins, alternating between:
8 Deadlifts, pick load
8 Box Jumps, 30/24 in
Max rep Strict Handstand Push-ups
Rest 1 min
Athlete Instructions
Deadlifts- 65% 3RM from today
Stimulus: Low pull + upper push muscular endurance
RPE: 6/10
Primary Objective: Maintain sets of 5+ unbroken on the strict handstand push-ups.
Secondary Objective: Maintain smooth controlled tempo on deadlifts (think 20X1 tempo).
L2: 24/20 in, Pike Box Hand Stand Pushups
L1: Squat Jumps, DB Strict Press (30/20)