THursday, march 16
Every 1 min for 16 mins, alternating between:
Kettlebell Front Rack Lunge, 53/35 lbs, 50 ft
12 Toes-to-bars
Kettlebell Crossbody High + Low Carry, 53/35 lbs, L+R 50 ft/R+L 50 ft
max rep Rope Climbs
Athlete Instructions
Kettlebell Front Rack Lunge/Kettlebell Crossbody High + Low Carry- dual kettlebell
Stimulus: Midline conditioning / muscular stamina
RPE: 7/10
The dual kettlebell front rack walking lunges should take around 40 secs to complete before moving to the toes-to-bars. We will then tackle the high + low carry with the focus on the obliques and stability through the shoulders. For the final minute of the EMOM, challenge yourself to stay close to the rope pushing for 3+ reps each round.
Primary Objective: Achieve 3+ rope climbs each round.
Secondary Objective: Unbroken toes-to-bars reps.
L2: 44/26, 12 Alternating Toes-to-bars
L1: Suitcase Carry, Abmat Sit Ups, Single Arm Dumbbell Overhead Carry, 30/20 lbs, L 50 ft/R 50 ft max rep Pull-to-Stands