Thursday, jan 12

"The Salton Sea"

FT: 1000 m, Push-ups, Kettlebell Farmers Carries, and 3 more

For time:

Run, 1000 m

50/40 Push-ups

Kettlebell Farmers Carry, 53/35 lbs, 400 ft

Handstand Walk, 100 ft

Run, 1000 m

40/32 Push-ups

Kettlebell Front Rack Carry, 53/35 lbs, 300 ft

Handstand Walk, 75 ft

Run, 1000 m

30/24 Push-ups

Kettlebell Overhead Carry, 53/35 lbs,

200 ft Handstand Walk, 50 ft

Athlete Instructions

All kettlebell carries are dual kettlebell.

Time domain: 27-35 mins

Time cap: 35 mins


This is supposed to be a long midline chipper today with the focus on the handstand walk and push-ups. The combination of carries, pressing and having to maintain stability through the midline will build through the entirety of the workout and create some massive fatigue leading into the handstand walk. Because of the time domain and style today, do not be afraid to start slow and build pace as you go.


Friday, jan 13


wednesday, jan 11