Thursday, Aug 25


Alt EMOM 18 mins: Pause Power Cleans, Low Hang Power Cleans, Power Cleans, and Bar Muscle-ups 

Every 1:30 for 18 mins, alternating between:

1x [ 1 Pause Power Clean + 2 Low Hang Power Cleans + 1 Power Clean ], pick load

12 Bar Muscle-ups

Athlete Instructions

Pause Power Clean + Low Hang Power Cleans + Power Clean= pause 1 sec at 2 inches below knees for pause rep,

55-70% 1RM Power Clean (increasing loads)

Bar Muscle-ups

Option 1: 8-12 reps

Option 2: 15-20 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups

Option 3: 15-20 Regular Pull-ups

Option 4: 8-12 Strict Pull-ups

Option 5: 6-10 Banded Strict Pull-ups (edit your workout when logging to the option you completed).


The goal today is to work on positional strength work as well as go through some skill/volume progressions on our gymnastic work. For the weightlifting component we are working on a pause off the floor at the lower hang, then moving back to the lower hang and performing two more power cleans before finally going to the floor and reinforcing that solid set-up position off the floor as well as pushing the knees back and keeping hips low as we pull the barbell into the hips before reaching triple extension. For the gymnastics portion, we have options in there for every athlete and each athlete should make a choice based upon the goals they have. We really love building more strict pull-up strength, but also can work in some kipping variations and progressions today to create more skill/speed development.

Level 2:

Complete option 4 (strict pull-ups)


Monday AUg 29


TUesday, Aug 23