THursday, Aug 18
"Bank Roll"
Every 6 mins for 30 mins: Strict Pull-ups, Renegade Rows, and Wall Balls
Each set for time, go every 6 mins for 30 mins:
2 rounds of:
8/6 Strict Pull-ups
12 Renegade Rows, 50/35 lbs
16 Wall Balls, 20/14 lbs
Athlete Instructions
Goal: ~4 mins per 2 round set
This workout will start off relatively tame and then the volume will hit by about the 3rd or 4th set into this. Start off conservative and smart on the first few sets as this will be harder and harder to finish in the time frame on each and every set. The strict pull-ups should be completed in 2 sets or less, the renegade rows are looking to be completed unbroken and the wall balls should be completed in 2 sets or less.
Level 2:
Each set for time, go every 6 mins for 30 mins:
2 rounds of:
8/6 Banded Strict Pull-ups
12 Renegade Rows, 35/25 lbs
16 Wall Balls, 14/10 lbs
Level 1:
Each set for time, go every 6 mins for 30 mins:
2 rounds of:
8/6 Toenail Spot Pull-ups
12 Renegade Rows, 25/15 lbs
16 Wall Balls, 14/10 lbs, 9/8 ft