November 29 2021

1 Clean & Jerk, pick load

Every 1 min for 16 mins.

Snake EMOM, completed as:

Set 1-8: 70% 1RM

Set 9-16: 75%+ 1RM - If you make a lift you go to 80% 1RM, if you miss a lift you go back to 70% 1RM, and so on...hence the snake title.

This style of weightlifting is really good for athletes to work on self regulated sets. If you are feeling good and the weights keep going up we could set a new PR. If you need to work more on technique the weights will go down, before coming back up and we will probably sit in the range of 75-85% 1RM for the lifts. We are starting with 8 at 70% 1RM to ensure quality lifts are being made.

Main WOD:

7 rounds for time of:

7 Front Squats, 165/115 lbs

7 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups

Time domain 4-7 mins

Time cap: 10 mins

The goal of this workout today is to build some front squat volume while working on consistency in the chest-to-bar pull-ups. The feel here is full gas pedal in a sprint couplet. Which means the weight should be challenging unbroken for all sets and will be sure to jack your heart rate up leading into the chest-to-bar pull-ups.

L2: 135/95, Pullups

L1: 10 Goblet Squats 35/25, 10 Ring Rows

Limited Equipment Variation:

7 rounds for time of:

10 Dumbbell Front Squats

7 Strict Pull-ups

Bodyweight Variation:

7 rounds for time of:

14 Air Squats

7 Strict Pull-ups


november 30 2021


November 24 2021