MOnday,March 20

This is a transition week before we begin our POWER CYCLE next Monday!!


Every 3 mins for 15 mins: Sumo Deadlifts and Wall Facing Handstand Push-ups

Every 3 mins for 15 mins do:

5 Sumo Deadlifts, pick load

7 Wall Facing Handstand Push-ups

Athlete Instructions

Sumo Deadlifts- 65-70% 1RM

5-7 Wall Facing Handstand Push-ups

Points of Performance

For the sumo deadlifts, we are looking for deadstop reps, with the emphasis on set-up position and getting more engagement through the glutes and adductors. For the wall facing handstand push-ups, keep the belly tight and maintain a hollow to neutral midline position as we press through the ground and drive the chest through the shoulders. Hands should be within 10-12 inches of the wall for the movement to be considered Rx'd.


Alt EMOM 12 mins: Dumbbell Thrusters, GHD Sit-ups, and American Kettlebell Swings

Every 1 min for 12 mins, alternating between:

15 Dumbbell Thrusters, 35/25 lbs

15 GHD Sit-ups

15 American Kettlebell Swings, 53/35 lbs

Athlete Instructions

Dumbbell Thrusters- dual dumbbell


Primary Objective: Unbroken on each movement.

Secondary Objective: Complete the working sets in fastest possible time/rep speed and cadence. Stimulus: Contraction speed / shoulder + midline burner

RPE: 7/10


Tuesday, March 21


Friday, March 17