Monday, Sept 26


Dead-Stop Deadlift : 5-4-3-2-1-1

Dead-Stop Deadlift 5-4-3-2-1-1

Use the heaviest weight you can for each set.

Athlete Instructions

Set 1: 70% 1RM Deadlift

Set 2: 80% 1RM Deadlift

Set 3: 85% 1RM Deadlift

Set 4: 90% 1RM Deadlift

Set 5: 95% 1RM Deadlift

Set 6: Heavy for the day

*Complete sets every 3 mins for 18 mins.

"Negro y Azul"

FT: Double Unders; 6x Hang Power Cleans, Front Squats, and Back Rack...

For time:

50 Double Unders

-- then --

6 rounds of:

3 Hang Power Cleans, 135/95 lbs

3 Front Squats, 135/95 lbs

6 Back Rack Reverse Lunges, 135/95 lbs

-- then --

100 Double Unders

-- then --

6 rounds of:

3 Hang Power Cleans, 135/95 lbs

3 Front Squats, 135/95 lbs

6 Back Rack Reverse Lunges, 135/95 lbs
-- then --

50 Double Unders

Athlete Instructions

Time domain: 11-15 mins

Time cap: 15 mins


The focus for this workout is centered around efficiency on the barbell. We want to choose a weight that allows us to remain unbroken through at least one cycle of the complex. This means being smart about your abilities and choosing a weight that allows for consistency on cycling the barbell. For the double unders we should be aiming for close to unbroken sets throughout with the thought that in the 100 we may need to break once or twice just to catch breath and let the grip rest a bit.

L2: 100 single under each set, 95/65

L1: 100 single under each set, 30/20 DB


Tuesday, sept 27


Friday, sept 23