May 11, 2022
Wednesday, May 11:
"Cinnamon Challenge"
2x RFT, every 20 mins: 1 mi, Walking Lunges, Push-ups, and Rows
2 rounds, each round for time, of:
Run, 1 mi
Walking Lunge, 100 ft
50/40 Push-ups
Walking Lunge, 100 ft
Row, 500/425 m
*Go every 20 mins.
Here is a little fun Murph prep workout with a mix of running, walking lunges, push-ups, and rowing. The goal today is to hit each round in about 15 mins to allow yourself just enough time to recover and then hit another quality effort. Goal for pacing this workout is to push the run, then breath through the walking lunge before hitting the push-ups in as few sets as possible. We will then start to pick up the pace on the second lunge and finish with a fast row.
Competitor: Wear a weight vest, 20/14 lbs.
L2: 2 rounds, each round for time, of:
Run, 1200 m
Walking Lunge, 100 ft
40/32 Push-ups
Walking Lunge, 100 ft
Row, 450/350 m
L1: 2 rounds, each round for time, of:
Run, 800 m
Walking Lunge, 100 ft
40/32 Band Assisted Push-ups
Walking Lunge, 100 ft
Row, 450/350 m