June 22, 2022
Wednesday, June 22:
"The Sauna Test"
FT: Rows, Double Unders, and 1 mi
For time:
Row, 1000 m
200 Double Unders
Run, 1 mi
200 Double Unders
Row, 1000 m
Time domain: 20-30 mins
Time cap: 35 mins
L2: 100 Double Unders
Row, 750 m
200 Single Unders
Run, 1000 m
200 Single Unders
Row, 750 m
The focus today is on steady state work and trying to hold 85% intensity throughout the workout. If we were looking at heart rate on the workout we should see the heart rate start out on the first row at around 80-82%, then climb into the 85% range for the middle portion of the workout and keep climbing into the 90% range for the final 1000 m row. Ending on a row is a distinct challenge as it is just about go-time and pushing the pace.