Jan 3, 2022
WELCOME 2022!!!
Stength A:
Front Squat 5RM:
Take 10 mins to establish a 5RM.
Rest 2 mins before B.
Strength B:
5 Front Squats, pick load
Every 2 mins for 4 mins.
Complete at 90% 5RM from A.
We are embarking on an 8 week build of our front squat with the 5RM being the primary focus. The entire cycle will be built around percentages off the 5RM we hit each time we test it throughout the cycle. We will be testing this again in week 4 and then again in week 8.
In 3 mins do:
20/16 Row Calories
15 Deadlifts, 225/155 lbs
max reps in remaining time Wall Balls, 20/14 lbs
Rest 1 min and repeat until you reach 100 Wall Ball reps.
Round cap: 6
This workout is a challenging triplet focused on a movement combination we have seen in years past. The row and the deadlift should challenge the posterior chain and stamina before we hit the wall balls. Ideally we go for one big unbroken set to finish off each AMRAP. Goal here is 20 +/- 2-5 wall balls each round so that we are finishing in the range of 4-6 rounds.
In 3 mins do:
18/15 Row Calories
15 Deadlifts, 185/125 lbs
max reps in remaining time Wall Balls, 20/14 lbs
In 3 mins do:
15/12 Row Calories
15 Deadlifts, 50% 1RM
max reps in remaining time Wall Balls, 14/10 lbs
Limited Equipment Variation:
In 3 mins do:
Run, 200 m
20 Dumbbell Deadlifts
max reps in remaining time Air Squats
Rest 1 min and repeat until you reach 150 Air Squat reps.
Bodyweight Variation:
In 3 mins do:
Run, 200 m
30 Air Squats
max reps in remaining time Burpees
Rest 1 min and repeat until you reach 100 Burpee reps.