Jan. 15, 2022



Every 2 mins for 8 mins do:

8 L/8 R Bulgarian Split Squats, pick load

5 Reactive Stick Jumps

Sub for reactive stick jumps could be broad jumps, high box jumps, or just squat jumps. We are working on unilateral strength and stability along with plyometric power. If we can tap into these movements more frequently we can increase neural drive as well as help with injury prevention. If you never practice moving with fast reaction speeds, you will get injured when you have to move fast.

Main WOD:

"A School for Ants"

Teams of 2 - 4 rounds for time of:

Run, 400 m

12/10 Dumbbell Deficit Push-ups

10 Dumbbell Box Step Overs, 50/35 lbs, 24/20 in

40 Double Unders

One partner starts on run and one partner starts on the dumbbells. Partner A cannot go on the run until partner B is back from the run, and partner A cannot start on the dumbbells if partner B is on the dumbbells.

Time domain: 15:00-20:00

Time cap: 22:00

*Each partner will complete the full 4 rounds of these movements, but there is a little caveat to how teams will get this done. One partner starts on the run and one starts on the dumbbell movements. If you never catch up to your partner then you will be able to finish in the fastest time possible with no rest periods. However, it is likely that you will catch your partner at some point and need to rest. Goal here for each partner is to limit any rest periods and try to stay ahead of your partner*

Alternative Variations

4 rounds for time of:

Run, 400 m

15 Push-ups

Walking Lunge, 20 m

40 Jumping Jacks


Jan. 17TH HOURS:


Jan. 14 ,2022