Friday, feb. 10
1x [ 2 Front Squats + 4 Back Squats ], pick load
Every 3 mins for 12 mins.
Athlete Instructions
85% 1RM Front Squat
"Rivers of Babylon"
FT: Row Calories, Goblet Squats, Handstand Push-ups, and Strict Handstand Push-ups
For time:
70/55 Row Calories
50 Goblet Squats, 53/35 lbs
30 Handstand Push-ups
50/40 Row Calories
30 Goblet Squats, 53/35 lbs
10 Strict Handstand Push-ups
Athlete Instructions
Time domain: 11-15 mins
Time cap: 15 mins
Treat this like an Open workout and make sure to hit the points of performance on the goblet squat as well as keep hands in a box and look for full extension at the top of the handstand push-up.
Primary objective: Increased pace throughout workout (looking to have the second row be faster than the first row)
Secondary objective: Unbroken sets on goblet squats
L2: For time:
70/55 Row Calories
50 Goblet Squats, 44/26 lbs
30 Push-ups 50/40 Row Calories
30 Goblet Squats, 44/26 lbs
10 Handstand Push-ups
L1: For time:
70/55 Row Calories
50 Goblet Squats, 35/18 lbs
30 Band Assisted Push-ups
50/40 Row Calories
30 Goblet Squats, 35/18 lbs
10 Pike Handstand Push-ups