April 1 2021
Warm Up
10 minutes of
10 Big Arm Circles
10 Back Slaps
15 Sec Wrist Circles
20 Sec Dead Hang
20 Sec Hollow Hold
Gym Crew
2 Rounds
30/20 Cal Bike
50’ HS Walk
400m Run
50’ HS Walk
30/24 Cal Row
50’ HS Walk
L3 - As Written
L2- 25’ HS Walk
L1 - 20/15 Cal Row and Bike, 200M run
*** Sub for HS walks is 5 Wall Walks
At Home Crew
2 Rounds
400m Run
50’ HS Walk or 5 Wall Walks
20 Burpees
50’ HS Walk or 5 Wall Walks
400M run
50’HS Walk
*** For round two do the Burpees then the run then Burpees. So basically you will do 3 runs and 3 sets of burpees total