thursday, april 12

Strength Test:

Log your best Deadlift 1 rep max lift.

Only log the heaviest 1 rep.

Do not include sets prior to it.

Athlete Instructions

20 mins to establish a 1RM.


5 rounds for time of:

3 Wall Walks

5 Squat Cleans, 155/105 lbs

50 Double Unders

5 Shoulder-to-Overheads, 155/105 lbs

Athlete Instructions

Time Domain: 9:00-12:00 minutes

Time Cap:15 Minutes

Athlete Notes

Primary Objective: Complete the workout in the time domain.

Secondary Objective: Focus to complete each movement in under 45 seconds which will keep us under the time cap of 15 minutes.

RPE: 8/10

Stimulus: Barbell Conditioning / Battery Work


monday, april 15


thursday, april 11